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Why you need a mobile app for your Recruitment business?

Why you need a mobile app for your Recruitment business?

Do you own a Recruitment company or work for one? Its time to get a mobile app for your company, want to know why?

Reach out to passive job seekers

App users share job openings through WhatsApp and other social media channels. This makes job postings viral and reach out to most relevant passive job seekers. A not-so-active candidate also keeps the app just in case if there is an exciting job opportunity.

Run urgent recruitment drives

App’s push & instant notifications are the fastest way to reach out to candidates. This helps in running recruitment drives on urgent client requirements.

Replace ineffective & boring ATS systems

Most job seekers have smartphones nowdays. They do not want to fill out boring web based forms. They want a fast, handy and flexible tool to apply for jobs.

Create a new channel for candidate acquisition

Mobile app is a new channel to reach out to and acquire candidates. This is a must have tool and compliments job-portals & web based tools.

Impress your clients by becoming mobile savvy

A mobile app becomes your competitive advantage in a market where thousands of recruitment agencies operate. Clients appreciate you when they see that you are not leaving any stone unturned to acquire best candidates for them.

Be visible to candidates at all times

By having a mobile app, you are in candidates’ pocket and with them all the time. Your app icon provides an extra reminder of your brand; candidate keeps you in mind for next job search.

Branding, recognition & market positioning

A mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness. Mobile apps for Recruitment companies are still rare, and this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. Be the first to offer a mobile app to your customers.

Improve Customer Service

By having a communication channel on your app, candidates have a place to ask questions, leave reviews, and interact with the company. This increases the satisfaction level of candidates.

Great User Experience

Ease of use on native apps are far better than a mobile friendly website. Some of the great features are possible only on native apps e.g. bookmarking & offline access etc.

Make your content viral

Users like to share favorite posts to friends via mobile chat apps like WhatsApp & Facebook messenger etc. They can do this quite easily from a mobile app, but not so easily from a website.

Notification does the magic

A loyal user always opens the app when she gets a notification about a new job position. This increases engagement level and traffic.

Send personalized messages

You can send personalized messages to users. App works as a broadcasting tool to connect to your users directly. This cannot be done on a website.

Give offline access

Access to Internet can fluctuate throughout the day, but a native mobile app keeps the content in internal storage and provides seamless access even when user is not connected to Internet.

Make money through Mobile Ads

Website owners make money through Google and other Ad networks. But these Ads are discouraged on mobile screens. We integrate Ad network APIs directly to mobile apps, which shows ads at the right locations and are optimized as per mobile user’s preferences. .

Go where the users are

World is moving from desktop to mobile-first to mobile-only era. Having a website only is not enough as they cannot be optimized completely for mobile experiences. Mobile apps provide more engagement from users as they are permanently installed on their mobile phones.

Grow Website traffic

Users spend more time on mobile apps than websites. You get more traffic and better search engine rankings if you have both.

Get Priceless Customer Insights

Google Analytics is pre-integrated within the App. Use this analytics information to create the strategy to reach out to more users and to increase the engagement level.

Use of device features

Users can use many device features. E.g., a user can directly call you from Contact page. A user can take & upload a photo directly from mobile app.

But I have a (mobile friendly) website, Why do I need a mobile app?

There are some fundamental differences between two:

  • Website is for attracting new customers while app is for creating loyal customers
  • For website you need to open the browser, enter the website URL while app is just a tap away.
  • On website the customer comes, completes the activity and exits while on app the communication is two-way and ongoing.
  • Websites are more responsive to search queries but apps provides engagement, loyalty, and ease of use. App “lives” on user’s device.
  • The most successful marketers use their mobile website to attract new customers and convince them to download their app, generating an opportunity for profitable & ongoing relationships.

Check more details at http://firstwireapp.com/android_and_ios_mobile_native_app_for_a_recruitment_company_agency.html

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