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App created by FirstWire Apps got 50k downloads in less than a month. Here are the magic tips.

App created by FirstWire Apps got 50k downloads in less than a month. Here are the magic tips.

We proudly announce our App crossing 50k downloads on Google Play Store. It’s a happy moment for us at FirstWire Apps



Check the App at Google Play Store  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.firstwire.events

Check it on Apple app Store  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rwatb-als-wdyt/id1170054051?mt=8

This App was created for our client @ saudisalary.com

Best part is that this App crossed the crucial mark of 50k downloads without much paid ads. This re-affirm our belief in creating a product which is “required” , giving best shot to quality and letting it spread like a wild-fire.

People in App ecosystem know that it’s an herculean task to cross 10k downloads itself; getting 50k download and that too in less than a month is a big achievement for the team.

Here are the magic tips (by the way these are simple common sense tips, no voodoo) :

1- Need & uniqueness

Create the App when there is a need and there is no popular App for it (or there is a an awful app in app stores)

Users generally stick to the first good app and do not want to try a new app.

Our app is basically an Event App. In Saudi Arabia, the salary is paid as per a specific Arabian calendar, not as per the English calendar. And these dates might change over years.

There was a need to have an app which can provide accurate salary day so users can plan their expenses accordingly.

There was no such app in Google/Apple stores.

2 – Gamification, shareability and virality

This app is shareable across social media platforms.

There is a countdown counter with each salary date; this encourages users to share it through social media (mainly WhatsApp) to their friends.  There is a fun component involved here.

This results in a sort of gamification which helps in spreading the app.

3 – Localization

App is completely translated to Arabian language. This made a perfect sense as most of the target user groups speak and work in Arabian language.

4- Initial campaign

Client ran a paid campaign for about a week. It was to get first few hundred users. Once they got about 3-4 hundred users, they stopped it; as app started spreading through word of mouth and social media.


This app is a huge success because it solves a need; it is unique; it is simple to use; it does not consume much storage space or Internet bandwidth; it works offline and it has a nice UI .

These are few simple things and we believe that the app which follows these simple tips are going to win.

What you think about this article? Do you have any suggestion? Please write to us in comment box.

Do you want your own Mobile App? Check our offerings at firstwireapp.com


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